Industrial Expert or Research Scholar
Our long-term research goals have grown and developed since our respected Education Research Center began work in 2017. However, no matter the challenge, everyone remains enthusiastic and dedicated to the tasks at hand. Find out more below.
About The Course
In this Course you'll Will be Learning Python Programming language with Machine Learning Concepts. Python is the popular language with high-quality machine learning and data analysis libraries. We'll learn about the elements of programming and how to construct basic Python programs. you will learn to find and use modules in the Python Standard Library and work other libraries like Tkinter, Numpy, Pandas,Etc. This Course Serves as the foundation to model development, Framework and particularly prototyping.we will explore many popular algorithms with Supervised learning algorithms, Unsupervised learning algorithms, Statistical Modelling and transform theoretical knowledge into practical skill using hands-on Projects.
Week - 1
Week - 1

Fundamental programming concepts using the Python programming language.
Week - 2
Python Structures - List,Tuples,Set,Dictionary,Set Operations Etc..Strings and Their Methods, Decision Making Statements ,Looping Statements ,Python Structures- Functions , Decorators, Lambda Functions. Object Oriented Programming With Classes and Objects.
Week - 3
Python Structures- Functions , Decorators, Lambda Functions. Object Oriented Programming With Classes and Objects.
Week - 4
Work With Import And Python Libraries Such as Numpy , Pandas, Pandas, Matplotlib Etc. Extending Python, Files, Errors, and Graphs
Week - 5
Introduction to Machine Learning - supervised learning and unsupervised learning algorithms
Week - 6
Regression- Linear Regression Non-linear Regression Model evaluation method, Classification
Week - 7
Working On Machine Learning Projects with Training and Testing
Why you should join and invest your time in these classes?
This course on machine learning explains the basic statistics and programming that are required to work on machine learning problems. The course explains the basics of Python programming and the various packages required for machine learning Which will explain learns using a real world case study to ensure that learning is practical Project.