One of the most popular Python IDEs is Spyder, which stands for Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment. This Python tool is "designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts." But it's not just for professionals. In this article, we'll learn why the Spyder IDE is also an excellent tool for beginners.
How to Install the Spyder IDE on Windows :
Download anaconda navigator for spyder IDE.
Spyder is IDE for Python. It is written in python.
Spyder is same as Jupyter Notebook.
In spyder some libraries are not inbuilt, So we have to install this library through cmd prompt.
Firstly we have to download anaconda navigator. install the Anaconda distribution to get Spyder.
Download and install installing anaconda.
Step 1 : Open the browser, and search for Anaconda .Click the first link

Figure 1
Step 2 : click to Get Started:

Figure 2
Step 3: click download anaconda installers

Figure 3
we have to choose what is our operating system and Bit(32,64). According to operating system we start downloading(downloading for windows and 64 Bit). After selecting the system features Downloading process begin.
Step 4: Anaconda exe will be installed in the system. Click on downloaded exe and run the file in sysytem.

Figure 4
The setup for anaconda will run on the system and click next to go next process.
Step 4: License Agreement, Click I Agree and go next process.

Figure 5
Step 5: Select installation type:

Figure 6
Click on Just Me if you are downloading for unique users and click on Next for further process.
Step 6: Choose the storage location of anaconda files:

Figure 7
click on Next for further process.
Step 7 : Click on install and installation process is begin.

Figure 8
Step 8 : Installation finish:

Figure 9
Click NEXT to complete the installation procedure.
STEP 9: Click on Finish to complete the installation. Anaconda is successfully downloaded and installed.

Figure 10
Step 10: Go and search in windows search bar anaconda navigator. And click open than show below:

Figure 11
Step 11: click on the Spyder icon to launch Spyder.

Figure 12

Figure 12