Jerrin Bright

If it matters to you, you'll find a way.
Research and Development Intern
Highly skilled in Autonomous Navigation for Aerial and Ground Robots. Also, a versatile engineer with expertise in Designing, Simulation, Artificial Intelligence and Website Development.
B Tech Mechanical Engineer
Vellore Institute of Technology
Name of the
My Experience at Madras Scientific Research Foundation is
This was my first taste of NGOs, and I didn’t know what to expect. However, when we started working it became very comfortable and interesting paving me to gain a lot of experience and knowledge till date. Firstly, my knowledge on the type of work that goes into various aspects of Manufacturing and Perception has expanded tremendously. Most importantly for me, I worked on a lot of diverse projects, and learnt communication and team work are critical for success. Overall, my intern experience has been an enriching and a rewarding one which I will treasure.
I am passionate about
Building aerial and ground robots that would take over the mundane, hazardous, unsafe, insignificant, monotonous circumstances and repetitive tasks of the human world.
My Research Interest are
Robotics, Automation and AI